Sunday, February 1, 2009

San Diego to Ensenada Mexico Jan. 19th 2009

Well it is time to catch up on what we have been doing. We met up with Del and Trudy and their friends and we left San Diego at 6:30 am on Jan 19th bound for Ensenada. We followed Island Grace their 47’ Nordhavn, down the coast and into Mexico. We had bought a couple of 7 day Mexican fishing licenses before we left. Along the way at about 1:30pm, I caught a nice 30 inch, 10 pound tuna. That was a kick, trying to get it on board, killing it and cleaning it on the front deck where we have a wash down. Trudy had told us a cleaner way to kill the tuna instead of a club, was to pour cheap alcohol over its gills. All we had was some cheap Sour Apple Schnapps. So all over the tuna it went! It worked, the fish died quickly and possibly peacefully? The strange part was having a fish that smelled like sour apple schnapps while you clean it, not a bad thing either. We shared some tuna with Del and Trudy and then yummy sashimi for us on our first night in Mexico. The entire way, the seas were great, calm 5 feet and 12 second swells, a warm 70 degrees, lots of dolphins, and we arrived in Ensenada at about 4:30pm. The coast line of Mexico looks much like Southern California, Tijuana is huge and Rosarito Beach is very developed. In Ensenada, which is where the cruise ships come in, we stayed at Baja Naval Marina, which has an impressive boat yard, decent marina and a great deal of ocean surge.

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