Thursday, June 12, 2008

General Comment – Weather in Washington

I know it seems like we have been complaining about the weather. That maybe…..just maybe we are spoiled California kids…. However, I wanted to share the front page of the Seattle Times – even the locals are restless about the lack of warmth at this time of year. Seattle was colder than Fairbanks Alaska, International Falls Minnesota, Olso Norway, Portland Maine and Tomsk Siberia in Russia!!! So just maybe we aren’t being big “wusses”, just cold, along with the locals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How far would it be to Princess Louisa Inlet & Desolation Sound? I'm guessing it won't get any warmer the further north you go! Would you want to do the same trip that you're doing now again? Or are there enough places you haven't stopped you definitely would? :)

Enjoy! I like reading about your travels!
