Monday, August 4, 2008

Grace Harbor – Okeover Inlet- Parker Harbor, July 21st, 2008

We left Grace Harbor and headed for Okeover Inlet. Okevoer landing is where the wonderful restaurant the “Laughing Oyster” is located. We anchored about ½ mile from the landing and used the dinghy to tie up to the small dock. We walked around the area and up to the restaurant. We were looking for the store, but there did not appear to be one. Since it was near lunch time and we had had such a wonderful dinner the other night, we decided to stay for lunch. We tried some sautéed oysters, but they still are not as good as raw on the half shell, which no one in Canada seems to prepare. Anyway, after a great lunch we “dinghyed” back to the boat. There is not much shelter where we were anchored, so we went up Okeover Inlet to a small one boat cove.

It took us a while to identify it as Parker Harbor. It was only mentioned briefly in one of the four books we use, Waggoners, and two others about Desolation Sound. We first found the cove our charts. It was more protected than the open Okeover Inlet and we anchored there without any problem and no need to stern tie the boat to reduce our swing. It was a pleasant night so we got in the dinghy and rowed around the little cove. It seems it was a private oyster lease area. The water is so clear and was only about 15 to 20 feet deep and you could see oysters all over the rocky bottom. We returned to the boat and watched one of the best and most colorful sunsets yet!

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