Sunday, November 22, 2009

Man of war Cove to Cabo San Jose Nov. 22, 2009

We are up again at first light. Today the seas have settled 2-4 foot swells and the wind is only about 3 to 4 knots. We are on our 185 nm leg which will take us about 26 hours. We dropped three lines in the water as we were leaving Magdalena Bay. As we left the mouth of the bay you could see fish jumping out of the water, then all of a sudden, “zzzzzzz”, all three lines hit and Loe, Rachel and I are reeling in fish. They look like bonita, not the best eating, but I grab our fish book and they have spots on their belly and are Mexican Bonita which are good eating. We bring all three fish aboard and it is calm enough for us go to the front deck, clean, fillet the fish and hose the deck using the deck wash. The fillets are in zip lock bags in the fridge. Yea! We caught fish. The lines go back in the water. In the next 4 hours we caught approximately 8 Dorado, of which we kept one that was 36 inches long. Dorado are really beautiful fish, emerald green, speckled with dark blue and fins that are yellow. Dorado are almost to pretty to eat…well almost.

We all caught fish except Lori, she did not want to, and since we had more than enough we were releasing all the small Dorado. I was showing Alexus how to play out the lure and set the reel for a strike when boom, she had a fish on. It was a Dorado and she decided to release it so we did. As she went through playing out the lure and setting the reel, just she was placing the rod in the holder, boom another strike and another Dorado. Fishing was really hot in that area. Since the seas were still calm, we had a fantastic lunch of fried perch and bass, Bonita Sushi and sautéed Mahi Mahi- (Dorado) in olive oil and garlic and dill with mashed potatoes and a caprese salad. Lunch is the only time we are all awake so it was a good meal. Loe now had the fishing fever though, any time there was a slight “zzzzzz” sound on the boat her eyes would light up.

The rest of our last overnight trip was also uneventful, thank you sea goddess! We were rounding Cabo San Lucas around 5:30am, not quite light enough to see much of Cabo San Lucas as we made our way to Cabo San Jose. We are all excited to be in port in a slip and not moving or anchored for the next two nights. Everyone is looking forward to a good nights rest. We arrive in San Jose at the Marina Puerto Los Cabos around 1:30pm we are all happy to be in a slip, take showers, plan a walk the town and enjoy being ashore. Tonight there is a spectacular dinner planned and we need to take on fuel here.

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