Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lake Washington North to Meydenbauer Bay, South Lake Washington, August 7th, 2008

We headed south continuing to explore Lake Washington. There are unbelievable homes and mansions with docks for boats and sea planes that surround the lake shore. We came to Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club and tied up at an end tie, registered with the office manager at the club and walked downtown for lunch. We walked into town and went to the Bellevue mall where Alexus could get her new IPhone. Bruce and I left Alexus in line and we went to PF Changs for lunch. About two hours later she showed up with her new toy and apologized for being in line so long. We finished lunch and returned to the boat. When we arrived, it seems we had inadvertently tied up where Mr. John Griffin normally kept his boat. We walked NuMoon around to a slip on the other side and apologized to Mr. Griffin and informed him that we had been "cleared" to use that slip. The dock master then came over and said that the club had been removed from the registry and was no longer doing reciprocals. We asked him if he wanted us to leave and he said we would be OK as we were only there for one night. At the Yacht club we again had electricity, and water all for $2.00. Bruce taught me how to organize and stow the lines. I had been trying to tie them a way our friend Ken at Alameda had showed me once, but I could not get it to work. The way Bruce showed me was great, especially for the longer lines. The lines with the snubber are still a challenge to make neat, even for Bruce. We spent the night laughing about our mistaken tie up and walking NuMoon around to another slip.

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